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Ozzy & Jack's American Roadtrip: episode guide

WHat's coming up in Ozzy & Jack's American Roadtrip?

EPISODE 1 - LIKE FOREFATHERS, LIKE SON | Tuesday 5th May at 9pm

Ozzy and Jack venture to historic Jamestown, Virginia. Jack is determined to find out whether any Osbourne’s were among the first British colonists in America, but Ozzy is obsessed with the idea of that the early settlers (and potentially his distant relatives) resorted to cannibalism. On the road to Jamestown the guys take a couple of detours so they can drive a WWII tank, visit Stonewall Jackson's arm, and shoot their way through Colonial Williamsburg.


EPISODE 2 - REMEMBER THE ALAMO? | Tuesday 12th May at 9pm

In 1982, something happened at the Alamo that instantly became both Rock & Rock lore and a bold question mark in the Osbourne family history. So, nearly 35 years later, Jack and his dad head back to the "scene of the crime" (against Ozzy's wishes and warnings) to uncover the truth and hopefully rewrite history. Along the way the guys take a couple of detours, including NASA's Johnson Space Center, where they test drive the new Mars Rover, and a stop at the Museum of Funeral History.


EPISODE 3 - FATHER KNOWS WEST | Tuesday 19th May at 9pm

Ozzy and Jack are on a road trip to Mt. Rushmore. Jack wants to get an up-close and personal look at the historic site from a helicopter, but Ozzy wants nothing to do with it. So, the two settle their differences the ol' Wild West way: a quick draw shoot out. On the road to Rushmore, father and son pan for gold, go inside a Minuteman Nuclear missile site, detour through Deadwood to visit Wild Bill Hickok's grave and get face to face with Crazy Horse.


EPISODE 4 - IRON MOUNTAIN MEN | Tuesday 26th May at 9pm

It's Ozzy's birthday and Jack has a big surprise in store for him. Only problem is, Ozzy hates surprises. So, Jack's pulling a lot of strings to put together a perfect trip for the Prince of Darkness. On the agenda: medical oddities, a penitentiary, chocolate making and voyage 220 feet underground, where Jack will reveal his biggest surprise - a relic from Ozzy's past.


EPISODE 5 - SIR PRINCE OF DARKNESS | Tuesday 2nd June at 9pm

Ozzy and Jack's bucket lists collide when father and son head to the UK. While both want to visit Stonehenge, the mythic structure of Druid lore, the rest of their itinerary is up for debate, and both Ozzy and Jack each want their way. Will Ozzy get his hands-on Alan Turing's famous Nazi code breaking machine? Will Jack convince his dad to go to the newly found remains of a Neolithic monument known as "Superhenge"? And will Ozzy let Jack pursue his dream of getting his dad knighted?


EPISODE 6 - THE LAST TWO SAMURAI | Tuesday 9th June at 9pm

Since Ozzy has a concert in Japan, father and son set out on a historic Japanese adventure. Driven by Ozzy's obsession with samurai swords, the guys go in search of a Samurai Master. Along the way, Ozzy secure a rare invite by sword master Isao Machii to try their hand at forging a kitana blade. Then, Jack wants to get a Tebori tattoo from a legendary tattoo master of the ancient art form. But will he be able to convince his dad that he too should get jabbed with a sharp stick for hours on end, as a ritual to mark their father-son bond?



Ozzy agrees to go to one of Jack's favourite cities, if they'll be able to get a tour of the White House. So, while Jack scrambles to get access to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he and his dad take a bunch of detours. On the itinerary: the FBI Training Facility in Quantico, little known park featuring the heads of America's Presidents, a local legend who calls himself Little Ozzy, and the residence where Ozzy's idols The Beatles partied after their first concert in America.


EPISODE 8 – CUBA OR BUSTED | Tuesday 23rd June at 9pm

For more than 50 years Cuba has been off limits for travellers coming from America. But now the doors are open and Jack & Ozzy are heading to the country of revolution and cold war agitation to get a look at some history that’s been hidden away. From rolling fleets of American automobiles to cold war weaponry; From Ernest Hemmingway’s house to the presidential palace, there is a lot on the itinerary. But, Jack won’t be satisfied until he can convince his dad to help him bring home a little bit of Cuba in his suitcase.


EPISODE 9 – UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OZZY | Tuesday 30th June at 10pm

Ozzy and Jack pack up a camper and travel to the home of all things UFO -- Roswell, New Mexico. While Jack is a true UFO believer andloves camping, Ozzy is a sceptic and loathes the outdoors when it's freezing cold. But Jack's certain that the experience will further deepen their father-son bond. On the agenda: the Petroglyphs National Monument, a UFO Museum and the famous Roswell crash site/debris field. This will air as part of UFO Week from the 29th June till 5th of July on BLAZE.


EPISODE 10 – THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT | Tuesday 7th July at 9pm

Ozzy and Jack hit the birthplace of Rock N Roll: Memphis, Tennessee. While Ozzy is excited to see the historic Sun Studios, Jack wants to take his dad on a detour to a more infamous site - a place where legend has it, the devil struck a deal that ultimately changed the course of music history. Plus, a special gift from a legendary instrument maker prompts Ozzy to unleash a bit of his own musical wizardry.

WHat's coming up in Ozzy & Jack's American Roadtrip?

Jack Osbourne interview

Blaze spoke to Jack Osbourne about joining his dad, Rock Legend, Ozzy Osbourne on the road their new Blaze show.

Having been on tour as the lead singer of Black Sabbath for most of his children’s lives there wasn’t much time for family trips. But now Ozzy is finding a better work-life balance and is taking a road trip across America with his son Jack.

BLAZE spoke to Jack about the series and what it was like hitting the road with Ozzy.

How did Ozzy like being back on the road?

Jack Osbourne: 'My dad is used to operating in a certain kind of level of comfort that when you’re working in this kind of TV you just don’t have. He’s not doing a national tour with Black Sabbath when we’re working, so there are no private planes and a whole bunch of people to run after him, so it was a bit of an adjustment for him.

What was the most challenging part in filming the series?

Jack Osbourne: 'Probably the most challenging thing, there was stuff like when we went to the Alamo and then all of a sudden there was like a mini riot, that was pretty challenging; we kind of had to navigate. 

'Certain places – we’d go to Japan, for instance, and we could walk around the street [and so on whenever we’d want in public and it was no problem, but then certain places in the US you bring a camera out anywhere and it gets a little crazy. 

'So, it was figuring out what works and what doesn’t work, and what part of the world can we get away with things that we can’t in, you know? What can we do in America that we can’t do anywhere else? It was kind of finding the sweet spot, probably.'

What were the funniest moments for you in the show?

Jack Osbourne: 'It’s always the most inappropriate stuff, like that’s the stuff where you kind of sit back and laugh your arse off. My dad is really sarcastic and he makes really inappropriate jokes at times. There is a lot of stuff that we just couldn’t put on the air because it’s just too crass or just a little too adult humour for television.  

'Every night after filming for the day, me and my dad and a lot of the crew would all go to dinner. Those dinners when the cameras aren’t around are usually pretty funny. 

'My dad likes pulling pranks on the crew, and there was one guy who worked on the show that every single time we sat down at a restaurant my dad would tell the restaurant it was his birthday, and they’d bring out a birthday cake. This guy literally had, like, 60 birthdays over a 10-week period.'

What was the most surprising thing that you had to do on the show?

Jack Osbourne: 'Because I’m one of the producers on the show I knew pretty much everything that we were going to do. I think the surprises were more on my Dad and how he would react to certain things. Most of the time we thought, ‘He’s going to get really ticked off,’ and he wasn’t really going to be into it, and then he’d surprise us all and he’d be like, ‘This is amazing.’ (Laughter) It would be things like that, but for the most part I like to think that there weren’t any tragic surprises.'

You travel around the world to know more about history – and about each other. What was the most important lesson?

Jack Osbourne: 'I think, in a historic perspective, what I learned was that pretty much everything we’re taught in school is like the cartoon version of how history really is. History is really gruesome and violent; it is not very glossy.'


Blaze spoke to Jack Osbourne about joining his dad, Rock Legend, Ozzy Osbourne on the road their new Blaze show.

Jack Osborne: Behind the scenes on Ozzy & Jack's American Road Trip

Blaze spoke to Jack Osbourne to get the low down on Ozzy & Jack's American Road Trip, new to free TV

Brand new to free TV, join the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne, and son Jack as they take on America in true rock and royal style in Ozzy & Jack's American Road Trip.
Having been on tour as the lead singer of Black Sabbath for most of his children’s lives there wasn’t much time for family trips. But now Ozzy is finding a better work-life balance and is taking a road trip across America with his son Jack.
Blaze spoke to Jack Osborne in lockdown - who like many of us is balancing homeschooling and boredom - to give us a behind the scenes look at the series. And its not just Jack that's itching to leave the house. 'Ozzy is raring to get back out there,' admits Jack. 'He's like, "Man, what I would give to go back out and start the show up again."' 

Ozzy & Jack's American Roadtrip

Asked which locations from the show, he would revisit if he could break lockdown for the day, Jack opts for Japan. But he'd bring his kids along this time, not the old man. When he visited Japan in episode six, Jack got a traditional Tebori tattoo from a legendary master. 'The worst part about that tattoo experience,' explains Jack 'is that because there's no buzz of a tattoo gun. It's quiet and you can hit your skin puncturing.' Ouch.
Jack grew up in front of the cameras in reality TV show The Osbornes but for American Roadtrip, he stepped behind them as one of the show's producers. Jack admits 'trying to corral his dad, host and produce could get really stressful'. But it was a lot of fun thinking of surprises for Ozzy on the show.  Though he credits showrunner Greg Johnson for his creative genius in this respect, especially when it came to 'pushing the musical element of the series.'
Speaking of music, Ozzy and Jack visit the home of rock'n' roll, in Memphis, Tennessee in episode ten. Jack was blown away by the city, 'it's one of those places where it's got so much history,' he explains. In Memphis, Ozzy and Jack visit the spot where Blues guitarist, Robert Johnson allegedly sold his soul to the devil. Rather a fitting excursion for the Prince of Darkness.

It's not the only out of this world moment in the show. In episode ten, Unidentified Flying Ozzy, father and son visit Roswell, New Mexico, the spot of the famous alleged UFO incident. Unbelievably, it is Jack who is a believer while Ozzy is the sceptic. Jack’s even visited UFO hotspot, Skinwalker Ranch, on a personal odyssey, ('a really eerie place and literally everyone has had an experience.') Unfortunately, Jack didn’t spot any UFOs in American Roadtrip but he did take a Mars Rover for a spin. It didn’t go quite so smoothly, Jack explains. ‘I got this thing stuck on a rock. This thing's costs about $30 million, and I thought I’m going to get in so much trouble. I was freaking out but they all got excited trying to figure out how to get it unstuck.’ 

The NASA scientists in Roswell weren’t the only government employees they came across in the show. During their visit to Mount Rushmore, they were being trailed the entire time by the Department of the Interior. 'They were essentially transcribing everything we were saying onto iPads,' recalls Jack. 'This is some big brother like bureaucratic weirdness right now.' 

We can't blame the Department of the Interior for being fascinated by Ozzy and Jack but maybe next time they should just watch the show.

Blaze spoke to Jack Osbourne to get the low down on Ozzy & Jack's American Road Trip, new to free TV