Storage Wars

Storage unit auctions are the newest and biggest untapped source for hidden treasures, and opportunistic individuals bid on unclaimed properties hoping to strike gold. Welcome to Storage Wars.
Storage unit auctions are the newest and biggest untapped source for hidden treasures, and opportunistic individuals bid on unclaimed properties hoping to strike gold. Welcome to Storage Wars.
Tustin Bee Have A Problem: The buyers head to storage unit auctions in Tustin, where Jeff Jarrod sets a new personal profit record after buying a five-dollar locker. (S4, ep 1)
More Like Wrong Beach: The bidders gamble on abandoned lockers in Long Beach, where Barry Weiss receives a valuable tip-off and Mark Balelo flashes 50 grand in locker money. (S3, ep 1)
Santa Ana Street Fight: Part-gamblers, part-antique experts take big risks bidding for the contents of abandoned storage units without knowing exactly what's inside. (S2, ep 1)
High Noon In The High Desert: Series following part-gamblers, part-antique experts who bid for the contents of abandoned storage units. (S1, ep 1)
The Feuds: A special episode revisiting the biggest feuds between the buyers as they fight tooth and nail for the contents of storage lockers across California.
The Strategies: A special episode looks back at the most and least successful strategies in Storage Wars history, from covert bidding to Barry's over-the-top antics.
The Blunders: Witness some of the biggest errors in the series' history, as well as an explosive argument that's never been seen before.
The Finds: A special episode looks back at some of the most valuable, historic and quirky objects discovered in abandoned lockers throughout the series.
Mo Money Mo Valley: The profits are sky high as the bidder hit Moreno Vally, as one lucky buyer wins a locker that secures a huge payout. (S9, ep 6)